Tuesday 13 November 2018

Competition refresher monthly magazine

Competition refresher monthly magazine

 An article about Direct tax collections rise by 14% up to September 2018 is on the 46th page of Competition Refresher
Competition refresher monthly magazine Net direct tax collections grew by 14 per cent to Rs.4.4 trillion upto September 2018 on a y-o-y basis, as per the ministry of finance. Refunds worth Rs.1.03 trillion have been issued during April-September 2018. success The growth rate in net collection of corporate income tax (CIT) and personal income tax (PIT) was 18.7 per cent and 14.9 per cent, res­pectively. Advance tax payments rose by 18.7 per cent to Rs.2.1 trillion up to Sep­tember 2018. chanakya ias academy The growth rate in payment of corporate advance tax and personal advance tax was 16.4 per cent and 30.3 per cent, civil service exam respectively. During April-September 2018, 38.6 per cent of the Revised Estimates of direct taxes for FY19 has been achieved.

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